On September 6-9, Unilumin attended China international optoelectronic exposition (2009), our LED products are welcomed by customers both at home and abroad. The products in this exhibition include: full color series products: LED indoor high-definition LED display R6 series, LED outdoor screen P20, LED lighting products: LED streetlight, LED wall washer, LED floodlight and new LED bulb and LED fluorescent tube, etc. All of this indicate the Unilumin’s business philosophy "realistic, Progressive, Innovation, Veracity "well.
Near noon, there are still a lot of people in our exhibition booth
New LED lighting products catch the customer’s eyeball
the customer read “THE LIGHT OF UNILUMIN” carefully
Our salesman introduce the outdoors display screen to customer
Our salesman introduce company profile to customer
Our salesman introduce the LED bulb and LED spot light to customer
A Unilumin, pioneira em aplicações de LED, fornecendo serviços profissionais de aplicação de LED, tem o prazer de anunciar nosso mais recente projeto espetacular na China: a grande estreia do show digital à beira do lago "Xianghu Yayun" em 30 de junho no Lago Xianghu e na Praça da Montanha na cidade de Hangzhou.