People from all over the world watched TVs. Unilumin’s NPP LED displays were perfect match to TV Studios. Here are some projects of broadcasting room, how many can you recognize them?
General elections of the United Kingdom
Sweden CH4 TV Studio
Belgium TV Broadcasting Room
China CCTV 2 TV Studio
London Olympic Games Broadcasting Room
Sweden national TV Studio
China Yinchuan TV Studio
Australia Today Show Broadcasting Room
Australia Top Model Show Broadcasting Room
All the above are just a small numbers of our projects. Unilumin’s NPP LED displays also have a wide range of applications for TV Studios,control centers, conferences rooms.
A Unilumin, pioneira em aplicações de LED, fornecendo serviços profissionais de aplicação de LED, tem o prazer de anunciar nosso mais recente projeto espetacular na China: a grande estreia do show digital à beira do lago "Xianghu Yayun" em 30 de junho no Lago Xianghu e na Praça da Montanha na cidade de Hangzhou.